This year's halftime show at the All Star game was fucking terrible. The only halftime show in the history of sports that was worse was definitely the Jonas Brothers in Detroit for Thanksgiving in 2008 when the Lions laid an egg. Those prepubescent faggots were so bad that the Detroit fans were booing them. Back to last night. Shakira didn't even try to hide the fact that she was lip syncing. Its like people don't even care about it anymore. I remember back in the late 90s when people thought Britney Spears was lip syncing and it was like the talk of the town. Now music is so littered with synthesizers and shit that we don't even bother criticizing people for it because all those dance songs would sound horrible if someone actually sang them. After that, Alicia "shouldn't have had dessert before the show" Keys (thanks W.M) tried to actually sing and failed miserably. She sounded like a deaf girl who might have good voice she just can't hear it and therefore is way the fuck off key. When she started singing "Empire State of Mind" I thought maybe the show could be saved if Jay-Z came flying in from the ceiling or something, but he didn't. The Chorus's of rap songs are not real fucking songs and shouldn't be performed at halftime of a major sporting event. Period. Plus she looked fat as shit With the exception of the All Star game itself, the weekend was a huge disappointment for me. The dunk contest was the worst since Brent Barry won it in 1996, Paul Pierce won the 3 point shoot out with a mediocre performance, and the highlight of the night from the Rookie Challenge was a fucking Tyreke Evans lay up.
Well we now know that Dwight Howard can drain threes like Mark Price, Dwayne Wade and Bron play awesome together, and Tim Duncan is way too boring for All Star games (actually we already knew that). When you can get 108,000 people to watch the All Star game at the biggest stadium in the world, you would think that they could have at least gotten like the Black Eyed Peas or even just Jay-Z to perform one fucking song with Alicia Keys.
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