John McEnroe AKA the Bad Boy of Tennis has done great things for the game of tennis. McEnroe was not known for a power game, but rather for his serve and volley mastery. He was also known for his fiery passion and on the court rampages screaming things like, "Are you fucking serious! That ball was in!" Since retiring from tennis, Johnny Mac is a great commentator and his image has been somewhat repaired because of his intelligence about the sport. I'd like to compare Mac to Bob Knight. Both men were extremely controversial in their playing and coaching days because of their antics and childish behavior, but I feel like this passion is what has made them so successful. As commentators Knight and McEnroe are in a world of their own and it seems the public has the same perception.
Out of all the hysterical Johnny Mac quotes this is my favorite: “If you believe that [Anna Kournikova's claim that she is a virgin], I've never questioned a call in my life.” Mac never shys away from his antics nor apologizes, but he actally celebrates it...which is just fucking awesome. Mac's cameo in Mr. Deeds with Adam Sandler is another example of this. The clip is long but pause it and watch from the 7:30 mark to 8:20 and you will not be disappointed because it's fucking hilarious.
The Olympics is going on right now in case you didnt know maybe you should say something about that. - Bryce