Hollywood Henderson was an outside linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys from 1975-79. Although he made a Pro Bowl, he will always be known for his drug and alcohol use on and off the field. Yeah, he did blow during games, so? It was the 70s. Drugs were like Gatorade to those guys back then. That wasn't the problem. He bottomed out in '83 when he was arrested for smoking crack with teenage girls in exchange for "consensual" sex. Odd considering he was also charged with assault in the ordeal. I blame the teenage girls personally. Classic case of trying to get money out of a professional athlete. Ya'll might want to make sure he has money to burn before you go ruining someone's life. He was just looking for a good time.
Well he's sober now, and has won the fucking lottery twice. His biggest jackpot was 28 mil. when asked what he does all day since he won, Hollywood replied "Not a damn thing, and I don't start that until after lunch." I mean seriously God? A dude who fucks and smokes crack with teenagers can win 28 million, and I can't win more than 20 bucks on a scratcher? At least let me win a hundo once. I would lose my mind in the middle of 7-11.
PS, can't you just imagine the joke he's telling in that picture?"Get it guys? orange CRUSH!" Look how uncomfortable that kid looks in the background. Classic "just walked into a locker room and everyone's naked" look.
The best part of this picture is not the fact that he has an elbow pad to cover up his shoot up scars, or the fact that he is crushing the CRUSH, its the little Chinese kid in the back ground who was probably his drug dealer, bringing him that pure shit from Vietnam.