Boobie Miles was an unbelievably dominant running back for the Permian Panthers whos career was cut short by a torn ACL and subsequent bad decision making during recovery. He just wouldn't believe that fucking doctor because he was from Midland, and Boobie intuitively thought that the doctor was just trying to keep him off the field so Permian wouldn't win. That's how fucking crazy Texas High School football is. In the movie the doctor was just trying to help, but in reality, I guarantee you sabotage like that goes on all the fucking time. It's all about getting that ring because the town literally lives and dies by the high school football team's successes and failures.
In the movie Friday Night Lights Boobie has some ridiculous lines. From "Ya'll wanna win, put Boobie in" to "God made black beautiful. God made Boobie beautiful. And when I knock someone out, I'm gonna knock 'em out in black nikes and I'm gonna smile while I do it" to " Yo, Mike. You gonna come visit my distinguished ass out in California?" His swag was unreal. So Boobie Miles still lives in Odessa (shocker) and has apparently let himself go (another shocker) and is trying to pursue a rap career. Go figure...
PS, he's the guy on the left
Best quote of the movie "This is for the state championship. I love all of ya'll, baby. I love all of ya'll." -- Mike Winchell