for your enlightenment and entertainment

Monday, February 15, 2010

"It's Just Running Down My Leg. I Got Jeans On, Black Bucks, No Socks"

This is possibly the greatest story ever told. I mean either this guy isn't very cool and he practices ridiculous stories to tell people, or he's the fucking man. The story is so amazing because you can feel the sheer panic he must have felt. I was like holy shit how do you handle that happening? Just ask the twice a year pant shitter George Brett. He's got it down pat.

PS, I love how at the very end he's just like "who are the pitchers in this game?" Like he didn't just hit that guy with a Scorcese caliber, nail biter of a story.

Thanks for the link Nuzz


  1. Hahahaha this is one of the fuckin funniest things i've ever seen

  2. This guy has no fear
