I think Air Bud made every little kid want to throw a ball at his dog's face and see if he would hit it with his nose into the basket. I guarantee you that zero of the dogs actually made it, and little Timmy isn't allowed to play with Rover anymore. Buddy was the shit. To go from being an abused clown dog to achieving middle school basketball glory is truly incredible. When it comes to golden retrievers and labs, I'm an absolute softy. When Josh yells "Go on! Get! I don't want to anymore!" and throws the ball at Buddy, I lose it, and this liquid comes out of my eyes. If you don't tear up at that then you and Michael Vick can fuck off somewhere. Anyway, Buddy was the best shooter in the history of basketball. He literally never missed. Ever. You would think that bringing the fucking rain like that would get to his head, but Buddy was a teammate first and a superstar second. Yeah he could have gone for 50 every night, but he wanted to make sure Josh made the squad and got some PT. Buddy decided to hang up his Nikes and try his luck at like every other sport imaginable. I mean I wouldn't be surprised to see "Air Bud: Golden Archer" on the shelf at Blockbuster.
PS, look at that face. He just drained the game winner and all the little kids are jumping around screaming like fags, but Buddy is still staring down the kid whose eye balls he just wetted that J in. This is my house! Cold blooded.
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