If you've been looking at my site since it started then you know that I hate Josh Howard with a burning passion. He's the biggest fucking IDIUT on the planet, and my Wizards just acquired him in a trade. I knew the Wiz were going to get rid of Caron Butler. The thing I didn't know was that they were going to trade Caron for the poor man's version of Caron. The no effort on D, terrorist, stain of a person version of Caron. It's obvious that the Wizards are in abandon ship mode right now, but you don't go signing a fragile, America hating disgrace of an English speaking person. Then the Wiz go and get bent over a chair by Mark Cuban who wouldn't make the deal without Brendan Haywood. The Wizards wanted Rodrique Beaubois from the Mavs, but Cuban wouldn't part with him. That just shows how fucking weak the Wizards organization is. Way to settle dudes.
PS, way to bring a terrorist to DC. Smart move. I bet Obama doesn't come to anymore Wizards games, and If he does I guarantee you Secret Service checks Howards' shoes for bombs.
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