Monday, April 26, 2010
Party on Wayne

While sad, I still can't help but laugh at the laziness of these people. I mean come on. Is it that hard to make a new sign or at least do a better job crossing it out? By the way, what ever happened to white out? I remember back in middle school everyone had a thing of white out in their pencil case. That is until some future stoner heard from his older brother that you could get high by huffing it. We had a whiteout ban at St. Michael's after that. I was never a huge fan of it though. If you tried to write on it before it was completely dry, it just turned into a catastrophe, and you ended up with a bigger mess than if you would have just crossed it out. Anyway, just to clarify, the party is still on.
The Most American Athlete of the Day
Lt. Tom Kazanski AKA Iceman.
Iceman is probably the coolest guy in the world. He flies jets so well that people say ice runs in his veins, women can’t resist his spiky blonde hair, and he’s definitely going to represent the U.S. in beach volleyball during the next Olympics. At one point he tells Maverick that he’s dangerous. Dude come on, the only thing that’s dangerous is the size of the boner I get when I watch Ice in the volleyball scene. I mean seriously, I almost pass out from lack of blood in my head. Maybe it’s the Kenny Loggins song “playing with the boys” that’s on in the background. No it’s definitely Lt. Kazanski. Iceman, thanks for serving our country and being a shining example of an alpha male; you rock dude.
P.S. Ice is never sorry about the deafening noise that his F-14 Tom Cat produces. As far as he’s concerned it’s just the sound of freedom.
Written by our most American fan Tomcat
Friday, April 23, 2010
I am currently doing some maintenance and upgrades on the site. I may not get many posts up today but DON'T WORRY! I think you'll like the changes. We need your views so feel free to look around our archives at some older posts you may have missed or just want to read again. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Jerry Gets his Guy and Jesus Jr. Makes it into the 1st Round
More to come later.
Live Draft Update
Skins grabbed Trent Williams with the 4th pick, and I couldn't be happier. This dude is an absolute psycho killer maniac in the trenches. He's the best run blocking offensive tackle and lord knows we need help in that area. I'm so pumped for this season.
The picks have basically gone as planned. I'd say the best pick so far has been Buffalo getting C.J. Spiller. They really needed an offensive and special teams spark plug.
The picks have basically gone as planned. I'd say the best pick so far has been Buffalo getting C.J. Spiller. They really needed an offensive and special teams spark plug.
Who Says it's Not About the Money?
As everyone probably knows, the NCAA (National Committee of Avaricious Assholes) has agreed to expand the mens national tournament from 64 teams to 68 teams. Sorry I'm so late with this. Tiny and I were running shit shoeless on the golf course. It was just too perfect outside to be sitting at a fucking computer. Anyway, this is nowhere near the 96 teams that people like Jim Boeheim were calling for. I think I know exactly why a high profile coach like Boeheim, whose team always makes the tournament would be advocating for an expansion. Dolla dolla bills ya'll it's that simple. More teams means a WHOLE lot more money to go around. The more games that his Syracuse team gets to play in the biggest money-making month of the year in all of sports, the bigger that bonus check gets. Roy "class attack" Williams was the only coach with something sensible so say on the matter. He said, "I really was torn myself with what to do, so taking the field to 68 seems like a good step. This will give them time to decide if this is just an intermediate step to a larger event or not. There are so many good teams, and adding three more helps get them in the bracket without tarnishing the specialness of the tournament." That last line is the key to this whole situation. You have to draw the line somewhere because the NCAA tournament is the holiest of holy in college sports. You can't go expanding it by 30 teams allowing basically every team with a .500 record from every major conference into the field. Maybe I'm just a traditionalist, and I know I don't have any money invested in the NCAA (except from gambling), but I love the tournament how it is now. You have 64 and a half teams who earned their spot by playing hard and winning games when they mattered, and you have like 6 teams bitching about not getting invited. I mean that's how all invitation only events are right? The cool people get invitations, and the people who think they're cool but aren't, complain about not getting invited. Then they throw they're own weak ass party (NIT).
Calipari Snags Another One
Marquis Teague, the nation's number 4 high school player in the class of 2011, has just committed to the University of Kentucky. Teague is the younger brother of current Hawks guard and former Wake Forest stud Jeff Teague. Calipari has been under attack from the Sports on the Reg staff from the beginning and this just highlights SportsHezeus's blog about him a few days ago on how he is ruining college basketball. High school players choose to play for Calipari for one reason: they can do whatever the fuck they want. Calipari has no discipline for his players and only gets recruits because they know they can get away with anything. I feel bad for the Kentucky reserves who probably hope to get something out of their college basketball experience and get pushed aside while Calipari blows his diaper dandies. On his reason for choosing Kentucky Teague stated, "Calipari is going to let you play your game. He's going to let you make plays."
I don't know what it is but I feel like the top recruits going to Kentucky are afraid to be disciplined. Roy Williams, Mike Krzyzewski, Tom Izzo, and Bill Self are known for having ridiculously competitive practices, and I'm surprised they've been able to snag some of the top recruits in this day and age. This is why Ed Davis is leaving early in my opinion. He is a soft pansy who couldn't handle an authoritative figure teaching him the great game Dr. James Naismith invented. John Calipari is the anti-tits and needs to change his natural scumbag ways.
P.S. With summer just around the corner I recommend all basketball fans read this book, even if you aren't a Carolina fan. It has some pretty funny stories about the one and only Pyscho-T, Tyler Hansbrough.
#4. O.J. Simpson 2008
Doesn't that just look like the face of a man finally at peace with himself? I mean he killed two people and got away with it, and that's been weighing on his conscience ever since. I bet he sat up drunk one night trying to figure out the most unique and ridiculous crime to commit. One that there was no way he could get away with. He came up with the idea to track down some people and rob them at gunpoint for his own memorabilia. That could stick in court right?
Acting at its finest

Acting at its finest
#5. Deion Sanders

What a hall of fame level shithammered smile. Deion looks genuinely happy to be at the police station. He had decided to go fishing at a pond owned by the Southwest Florida International Airports when he was picked up by the fuzz. Misdemeanor trespassing charges don't mean anything anyway so I'm sure he didn't care. I think Prime Time was just enjoying the attention.

What a hall of fame level shithammered smile. Deion looks genuinely happy to be at the police station. He had decided to go fishing at a pond owned by the Southwest Florida International Airports when he was picked up by the fuzz. Misdemeanor trespassing charges don't mean anything anyway so I'm sure he didn't care. I think Prime Time was just enjoying the attention.
Athlete of the Day---Carl Spackler
Yeah, assistant greenskeepers can be athletes too. Especially when they've got a green jacket from winning the Masters. That's just what Carl did. He was just a Cinderella boy, an unknown, a nobody, but he shocked the world when he holed a smoked 8 iron from 195 yards on the 18th hole for the win. If you aren't familiar with Spackler, he lives in a maintenance shack on the course, he grows his own grass, he's into watching old ladies play golf, he has a license to kill gophers, he once caddied for the Dali Lama who tried to stiff him after the round, and he has access to ridiculous amounts of plastic explosives. I think the government should look into that. Carl revolutionized the game of golf with his new method for playing holes. His strategy was to hit random irons from any distance eventually holing one of them. Take the way he played the 18th at Augusta for example. He teed off on the 455 yard hole with a smooth 2 iron that went about 105 yards. No need to get aggressive right? His second shot was a pure as silk 5 iron from 350 yards. Brilliant. For his 3rd and final shot, he hit the 8 iron heard round the world from 195 yards straight into the hole. Fucking genius. He must have absolutely nuked that thing.
#6. John Daly
Is that not the face of a broken man? This is just the lowest of low points that a famous athlete can hit in their life. Hanging out at Hooters all day selling your own memorabilia, blacking out, passing out (still at Hooters might I add), and having them call the cops on you. Well that's what happened to Long John Daly. Can you imagine the sort of hangover remorse he felt? I get depressed when I wake up and remember that I poured a beer on someone. Try displaying your ruined life and career at a Hooters then getting arrested for it. Ouch

#7. Carmelo Anthony

Why do some of these guys think they have to try to look like they're tough mug shots? I mean you got charged with drunk driving dude. There's nothing tough about that. Just pump the breaks and try to have a good time with it. No one in prison is going to think the dude coming in for DUI is tough. They won't be like "look out for that guy. He operated a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol." "Holy shit no way. How'd he get caught?" "Forgot to turn his brights off." "Damn, let's steer clear of that guy. He's nuts."

Why do some of these guys think they have to try to look like they're tough mug shots? I mean you got charged with drunk driving dude. There's nothing tough about that. Just pump the breaks and try to have a good time with it. No one in prison is going to think the dude coming in for DUI is tough. They won't be like "look out for that guy. He operated a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol." "Holy shit no way. How'd he get caught?" "Forgot to turn his brights off." "Damn, let's steer clear of that guy. He's nuts."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Logo Contest- DO IT!
So we've gotten like five submissions for the logo which for the first day is ok I guess, but we need a whole lot more. I'm talking at least 20. We want to have a tough decision to make. The $20 gift card to ANY national chain is for real. Think of what you could do with that money. Say you won and asked us for a gift card to itunes. You could buy 20 songs, 2 movies, an entire album and 8 songs, or you could rent like 6 movies. I can't stress to you enough how important this is to the site. Like I said before, don't be shy. If you don't know how to use the computer to make it, then draw it. You could just send us a shittily drawn logo. It doesn't matter because if it's a sweet idea, we'll clean it up, and you'll be 20 dollars richer.
#8. Kimbo Slice
Whoever the cop was who arrested Kimbo Slice is probably the man down at the precinct. I bet he came in to work the next morning to a standing ovation and a promotion. I wouldn't get within 50 yards of this enormous maniac. If I pulled him over I'd use the megaphone and say, "Hi there Mr. Slice. If you would be so kind as to drive to the police station so some of the guys can meet you and get an autograph, that would be great. I'll follow you in my car." Then I'd call every big dude I know and tell them to be there waiting with tranquilizer guns and a big net like they were trying to capture a rabid bear. Kimbo is one scary dude. Just look at that shirt. If a big dude is wearing a shirt like that, it means "don't fuck with me. I'm partying."

NFL Draft Tomorrow Night
I never get quite as pumped for the NFL draft as I do for the NBA draft because it's so fucking long. It's 7 grueling rounds of straight drafting. Once they get through the first 2 rounds it becomes about as interesting as a PBS documentary. The only cool thing about rounds 3-7 is waiting for that guy from your favorite team who you think is sweet to get drafted. Although you think this guy is awesome and should be a first rounder, he probably isn't. Anyway, I'm interested to see where guys like C.J. Spiller and Eric Berry go, but that's about it. The Redskins have made, as always, a lot of shitty and weird offseason moves that have compromised a lot of their picks so I can't get pumped about that. Oh, and Tebow better not show up. I'd be furious if I was a first round lock, but didn't get an invite because ratings hungry ESPN wants Tim Tebow's 3rd round ass to get a bunch of TV time.
PS, maybe the Skins will draft Kam Chancellor in a late round. Why? Because he's fucking sweet dude!
(Shit-Hammered) Athlete of the Day---J.J. Redick
Top 10 Athlete Mugshots
#10. Scottie Pippen

Scottie Pippen looks like he's posing for his high school yearbook in this one. He was pulled over after cops saw him pull into oncoming traffic to go around a car stopped at a red light. That's such an aggressive way to run a light. If you see that happen, it's for one or both of 2 reasons. The person either has a pregnant woman in the car, or they are hammered drunk and trying to get to Taco Bell before the drive thru closes. I love how cocky Pippen looks here. He's like "you guys know I'm gonna get out of this right? Cheese!"

Scottie Pippen looks like he's posing for his high school yearbook in this one. He was pulled over after cops saw him pull into oncoming traffic to go around a car stopped at a red light. That's such an aggressive way to run a light. If you see that happen, it's for one or both of 2 reasons. The person either has a pregnant woman in the car, or they are hammered drunk and trying to get to Taco Bell before the drive thru closes. I love how cocky Pippen looks here. He's like "you guys know I'm gonna get out of this right? Cheese!"
Soccer Douche Gets Whats Coming to Him
Is this kid in the blue jersey serious? Who stands in front of a throw-in covering their nuts? Now that I think of it, why is this kid even standing in front a throw-in in the first place? It's a throw-in dude, you can't block it. You're doing no good standing there looking like a jackass covering up your one nut from a throw that has no chance of hitting you in the nuts. Now, because this kid looks like the type of scrawny bitch who scores a goal and runs around with his shirt off, No.16 in white decides to teach him a little lesson about establishing dominance. No. 16 has obviously planned this whole thing out. He even throws in a flashy, but necessary front handspring for extra power to ensure this kid needs plastic surgery to fix his face that just got rearranged. After No.16 casually jogs away after demolishing this kids grill, I'm pretty sure I heard him say, "O'Doyle Rules". Lesson of the Day: Don't be an annoying d-bag during games unless you want to get decapitated by a 100mpg soccer ball to the face.
I'll Have to Check My Shedule
Tiger Woods is adding tournaments to his schedule on the Reg. Last week he added my favorite non-major, Quail Hollow, and this week he added the Players and the AT&T National. So much for a break right? He's saying "fuck it, I'm getting a divorce anyway. Why should I miss out on beating the shit out of everyone of tour?" He's the best there is and ever will be. It's that simple. He'll win at least four tournaments this year, and he'll start at Quail Hollow.
PS, am I going to hell for putting that picture up?
Get Nasty ESPN
So I was looking around at some baseball stats on and came across some something startling and hilarious. If you look at a player's page whose name might be difficult to pronounce, ESPN provides you with one of the dictionary type pronunciation aids. Well I was looking at Albert Pujols' page, and you can tell that ESPN had some major fun with his name. It says that Pujols is pronounced, POO-holes. Maybe that's the standard way to do it, maybe not, but either way it's awesome. I will never spell his name Pujols again.
So Guess Who is Tied With Pujols in RBIs?
Jason Heyward. The new and improved "say Hey kid" has 16 runs batted in, 4 jacks, and is batting a cool three hundo. Throw a couple walk offs in there and you've got an MVP in the making. He already has NL rookie of the year on lockdown. He could quit right now and still get it. Heyward and the Braves are off to a solid start and are tied for first in the NL East. I'm expecting to see them blow the Phillies out of the fucking water this year.
FYI I posted the thing about Jason Taylor and King Xerces yesterday and Barstool did it today. I'm not tooting my own horn or anything. I just hate when people come up to me and say that we copy Barstool. Barstool copies Sports on the Reg. I'm actually convinced that one of their idea people saw our site last night and pitched the idea to the New York writer.
Athlete of the Day---Jake Berman
Jake Berman is the little kid who blows nose bubbles and wrecks shit in the movie The Little Giants. The Bermanator won the big game for the the Giants when he picked up the ball on the second fumble during the Annexation of Puerto Rico and ran it in for a touchdown. I mean this was the kid who weighed 1 pound when he was born, spent the first 6 months of his life in an incubator, and has an allergy problem like you wouldn't believe. But hey, his shrink told him he should get out more. There are two things you need to know about the Bermanator if you want to avoid verbal and physical abuse. Nobody calls him a diphead except his sister, and DO NOT talk about his mama. If you abide by these rules you might stand a chance.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
If You're Into Gettin Rich...
If you're into gettin rich, or you just want to be permanently etched in American history, DESIGN A LOGO FOR SPORTS ON THE REG!! We're having a contest to see who can design an awesome logo for our site. Though we may seem creative, we're not. We need your help! We need to get rid of the JV generic brand logo we have right now. Submit you're ideas to, or if you know us personally, just give it to us. The winner will receive a $20 gift card to the national chain store or restaurant of their choosing. I'm talking mad money here folks. I can't stress to you enough how important your submissions are because we are totally clueless. Don't be shy. We will greatly appreciate anything we get.
Notre Dame to the Big Ten?
I forget who said it on ESPN this morning, but apparently the Irish might be joining the Big Ten. I'm saying it's about fucking time. No more NBC TV coverage every single fucking week. Nobody wants to watch a shitty Notre Dame team play shitty teams every week when good games are being blacked out. That pisses me off so much. They need to finally man up and join a conference and stop being so JV and pretentious.
Hello Hollywood
Jason Taylor, aka the bald ballroom nomad (copyrighted by Sports on the Reg), has switched teams once again, and it's pretty obvious why he did it. The Jets are the Hard Knocks team and he's trying to break into Hollywood. He's all about the exposure, not the football. I can't think of another instance where a player was signed for zero reasons pertaining to football. Actually, the signing of Jason Taylor negatively affects the Jets' awesome defense. He's older than time, though you'd never know because he's had more botox and teeth bleaching than Joan Rivers, and he's as fragile as an egg. I'll chalk this signing up as a charity case. There's just one problem with his plan. There's only room for one freakishly large action star in Hollywood, and the Rock has that on lockdown. I wonder if we'll see Jason Taylor as the tooth fairy or an Egyptian god. I doubt it. The only role he could pull off would be King Xerces (pictured below) in some 300 sequel that will never be made. He needs to take a page from the Mark Schlereth book on how not to spend your retirement from football. I'd put my money on Taylor ending up on a soap opera like Schlereth, but I bet he doesn't play a character with a name like Detective Roc Hoover.
PS, I mean seriously, he was made for that part.
Free Lesson On How to Deal with Mascots who Think They are the Shit
Dinger, the mascot for the Sacramento RiverCats sure is one smug son of a bitch for being a AAA mascot. Dinger is the clear favorite here over the big red blob Archie, of the Reno Aces. For 95% percent of this video he looks like Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance out there. Got this contest in the bag for sure until he tries to pull the Moon Walk on the home teams dugout. Rookie mistake, Dinger. Archie, knowing what a showoff Dinger is, probably had that portion of the dugout greased up before the contest knowing that Dinger would try to get flashy. Well, Archie's plan works to perfection. Dinger goes sliding off the roof like an idiot into the Aces dugout where he probably took a few bats to his oversized skull. Archie even feigns concern for a second before turning to the crowd, full of pride fresh off his upset, and screams "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!"
Athlete of the Day---Jake Wyler
Jake Wyler is the greatest quarterback to never play in his senior season. Wyler was a dominant quarterback for the John Hughes High School football team before he made an awful decision. The fiery coach told Jake to run the clock out, but he had other plans. Jake wanted to make the worst player on the teams life by throwing him the ball in the endzone. Unfortunately, Jake threw the ball a quarter of a second too late and the retard with the glasses literally broke in half. Although Jake had some problems on the field, he succeeded off it. He transformed the ugliest girl in school, Janey Briggs, into the prom queen. Not to mention Wyler was about the only normal person at John Hughes High. For God's sake his sister wanted to take a dump on his chest and his best friend Austin (the cocky blonde guy) kept saying weird catch phrases like, "Jakey Jakey...'Bout to make a big....MISTAKEY?"
I imagine Jake Wyler got to play quarterback at some division III school somewhere. Atleast I hope so.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Freddy Adu, Where Are You?
Freddy Adu has joined the Greek team Aris Salonica making it his sixth professional team since 2004. After all the hype that surrounded Freddy as a youngster I expected by now that he would be playing in one of the elite european leagues: either the English Premier League, the Spanish La Liga, or atleast the German Bundesliga. But no, Freddy is playing for a team that I can't even find on FIFA 2010 for my xBox. Now I wouldn't consider Freddy a bust yet because he's only 20, but he has definitely not lived up to expectations. Adu was supposed to be the savior for US soccer. At age 10, Adu was offered a six-figure deal with Italian powerhouse AC Milan, but his mom wouldn't sign the permission trip and wanted him to get an education. By forgoing this offer Freddy developed his soccer game in the American based MLS which without a doubt slowed his progession. To explain these circumstances, I think we should pull a Danny Almonte and consider the authenticity of Adu's birth certificate. Freddy is exactly the same weight now as he was at age 13: 5'8 140 lbs. Interesting...
To make things more relevant to non-soccer fans, African soccer players seem to be similar to Latin American baseball players. Potential is everything: the skills of a 14 year old can make them millions, but the same skills of a 21 year are worthless. Adu seems to fall into this category.
Like I said, Freddy shouldn't be considered a bust quite yet. He has showed signs of brilliance on the US soccer development teams but nothing that will make him start for the Varsity squad in South Africa this summer. He needs to take lessons from our starting forward, Jozy Altidore, who is just 20 years old and plays in the English Premier League. Altidore is the one who scored the first goal against Spain last summer, the number 1 team in the world.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Ron Artest Hair is Offensive
Ron's hair really grosses me out. It's not even like regular bleached hair. It's orangeish blondish garbage. I've heard of like playoff beards and like not getting haircuts and shit but not playoff hair coloring. I think Durantula was grossed out too because he never seemed to get his head in the game. He had a freakishly aggressive and weird psycho with ugly hair shadowing him the whole game. At least he doesn't have those doodles that the Chinese call words on his head like last time. Once Durant gets used to it I bet the Thunder start winning.
PS, if Ron insists on dying his hair, he should go all the way to do silver like sisqo
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ben Roethlisberger: A Creeper's Perspective
This blog was written and emailed to me by a frequent Sports on the Reg follower and avid sports fan. Thanks RPB.
Everyone that has been through college has creeped on girls. It just is the way things are done now a days. The difference between us regular creepy college guys and Ben Roethliscreeper is that we generally quit it once we graduate. If we don't, we at least keep it within bounds. This clown pulled out his junk in a crowded bar, had his goon squad block the door and had sex with a 20 year old. Equally as embarrassing, he was in a bar in Milledgeville, Georgia. I can think of a fuck of a lot better places to be in the offseason if I were making badass coin as a superstar NFL quarterback.
By now, my suspicion that Big Fuck Up is a bad person is clearly confirmed. The counter to my opinion, of course, is that he been convicted of no crimes. That doesn't matter. Trouble has followed this guy ever since he crashed his motorcycle (no helmet). Now that he has creeped across state lines, it is glaringly obvious that Ben is a pudgy freak with a problem. One incident is no big deal-- as long as you come back and win some rings, the public will quickly forget about one accuser (Kobe). When multiple allegations come out, there is obviously a trend of misbehavior too big to be forgotten (Tiger). Confirmed or not, it is more than enough for the Steelers to ship him.
P.S. It is obvious to me that Ben is way worse of a person than Michael Vick ever was or will be. Think about it, Ben has ruined lives: the girls, the cop that had to resign. The only life Michael Vick ever ruined was his own, and a few dogs...I guess.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Dude Ralph Sampsons on Little Girl

So this 21 year old weirdo Matthew Clemmens purposefully puked on an off duty cop and his 11 year old daughter. He apparently did this because his friend had gotten kicked out of the game. There is nothing in the world that would warrant Ralph Sampsoning on a child. I'm sorry. That's worse than murder. And it's not like he was throwing up and purposefully directed it at them. He stuck his fingers down his throat to make himself do it. I mean what innovation. What if puking on people becomes the new thing like spitting on someone. You called me a fag? Wait a second...BRAAAAAA. What now dude?
Wait a minute...Doesn't he look like our most recent shithammered athlete?

Note to Jerry: Golf is Hard
I hate when professional athletes from sports like football and basketball think that they can do anything. Jerry Rice fired an 83 yesterday in the first round of his first tournament on the Nationwide Tour. Apparently Jerry is a scratch golfer, but what he doesn't realize is that these guys are 50 times better than that. You can't just be like "I can compete out there because I break par at my home course sometimes." It doesn't work like that. Go play with any professional golfer who is on the Nationwide Tour on his home course, and I guarantee you he doesn't shoot worse than a 66. I really hope someone came in the grill after the round and said, "I heard you fired a monstrous number today Jerry." like David Simms did when Roy shot 83. Rice blamed his 83 on his putter. If you're a professional golfer, you don't blame anything higher than a 76 on the putter. Period. Anything higher than that means you realized you just didn't have it that day and gave up. Only a cocky athlete who has dominated his whole life would blame a number that high on his equipment. I mean Jerry, what would have happened if you made 6 more putts? You would have shot 77. That would put you at T140 instead of T153. Good playing dude.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
John Calipari is Ruining College Basketball

If I were a Kentucky fan, I would be furious that John Calipari is the coach of my team. He is making a mockery of the entire college basketball system just for the sake of winning some games. Yeah Kentucky fans are loving him right now because of how miserable that team has been in recent years, but how long can that love last? He's just going to keep bringing in one and done players to lead them deep in the tournament, then say "thanks for the free one year of 'education!' By the way, I don't give a shit about the University of Kentucky." then hop on the money train heading to the NBA. How would you like it if your team never had a soul? Kentucky fans are about to find out. Welcome to Kentucky, Brandon Knight.
Quote of the Day
Gordon Hayward Enters the Draft
I was pretty hard on Ed Davis for leaving Carolina after two seasons, but I think this was a smart move for Hayward. Gordon and the Butler Bulldogs had their fun, and now it's time to go pro before something terrible can happen to his draft stock. Unlike Ed, he has proven all he needs to prove. Ed Davis hasn't proven shit. He hasn't shown that he can lead a team to victory as the focal point in the offense. Yeah, he won a national championship, but he was the garbage man who was 2nd off the bench. Hayward put a tiny mid major program on his scrawny white shoulders and carried them all the way to the last 2 seconds of the national championship game. Who wouldn't want a guy like that on their team. He's a 6'8" small forward with guard-like handles because of that 8 inch growth spurt he had in one, probably painful, year in high school. He can shoot, rebound, and pass with anyone his size and has an unbelievably high basketball IQ. I'm excited to see what he can do in the pros.
Minor League Pitcher Stops Robbery at Wal-Mart
Curtis Petersen was just picking up some toilet paper from his local Wal-Mart. Next thing you know he is a local hero. Petersen is the 6'4 pitcher for the Florida Marlins farm squad, the Greensboro Grasshoppers. After walking out with his TP, Petersen saw a man throw some lady to the ground. Petersen dropped his bags and ran over as fast as he could to put the perp in a choke hold. “I had a hold of him, and he threw the keys back to the lady and said, ‘All right, all right, just let me go.’ And I said, ‘I don’t think so.’ “ Petersen waited for the police to get there to put the man in jail.
It's nice to see something like this in the sports world. Curtis Petersen seems like one of the few genuine professional athletes. Fuck the pros who hang out with one of those Make-A-Wish retards for a day...they HAVE to do that shit. I guarantee if half the guys in the NBA were in Petersen's shoes they would have ignored the situation. And I'm personally willing to bet that 3/4ths of the Denver Nuggets would have been the guy trying to steal the car.
Anyway, mad props to Curtis Petersen. I hope the Marlins bring him up to their roster just for being a fucking awesome person.
It's About Time

The NCAA is finally banning eyeblack messages. No longer will we have to look at Virginia Tech dudes pointing at the 757 written on their eyeblack after they do something sweet. No longer will be have to see gang messages and stupid tributes to people. No Bible verses were acceptable, but they're just a minor causality in the War on Thuggery in college football.
Eye black should look like this
but not...
fuckin weirdo
Speaking of Showing Off
Sweet dude. That was about as smart as trying to pet a rabid panther. It wasn't even a cool dunk.
PS, nice hail Hitler salute. As if you didn't look retarded enough.
Hot Doggin Like Kobayashi
Fucking showoff. Serves you right dude. I mean you had this guy out of his jockstrap better than Bombays triple deke and could even finish it off.I love his reaction after it happens. The goalie saves it out outlets to someone and the dude is still standing there with his hands on his knees like he just lost the World Cup. Go join the European And1 indoor soccer mixtape team. The goalie would have let you score.
We Couldn't Do Diddly Poo
#8. Jim Mora
I know some of his players probably laughed when they heard him say diddly poo on camera, and I bet those guys haven't stopped running around the practice field yet. You don't fuck with an old dude when he starts saying things like diddly poo, dodo head, or anything of the like. That's a big time red flag.
I know some of his players probably laughed when they heard him say diddly poo on camera, and I bet those guys haven't stopped running around the practice field yet. You don't fuck with an old dude when he starts saying things like diddly poo, dodo head, or anything of the like. That's a big time red flag.
This Kid is Tougher than a Wal Mart Steak

So Tiny hit me with this touching article about a 16 year old kid who lost his leg at the mid thigh in a boating accident less than 2 years ago. Guess what he's doing now? Throwing heat in high school baseball games. Think about it. I've seen football and basketball players sit out longer than that with torn ACLs. Try having your left leg ripped off mid femur and your right achilles tendon sliced by a boat propeller. That blows my mind. When I started reading the article I was thinking this kid limped out to the mound to a standing ovation, threw to a batter who took it yard, then went back to the dugout to another standing O like when they let those kids with downs syndrome score in a basketball game or run for a touchdown. I was dead wrong. This dude was throwing 80 mph heat and nasty curveballs. He allowed one hit and one unearned run in 5 and a third innings. What did you do today?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's allllllllll making sense now. Who would have thunk it? I guarantee you a story breaks sometime this month saying "ROETHLISBERGER AND TIGER WERE SHARING WOMEN?" I bet these two were hitting all the sleazy bars and clubs together on the reg. In fact, I think this picture was taken right before they left for one. I mean Tiger looks like he's ready for P Diddy all white version of a Night at the Roxbury. Big Ben might get turned down. That shirt's blue dude.
#9. Brandt Snedeker
Are you fucking kidding Brandt? Not only are you in a frat, but you are wearing a big sweet visor. I wear big visors dude, but you don't see me crying when I shoot a fucking 86 in a college golf tournament. Laugh it off and move on. There's no crying in country club sports. Oh by the way, how were the Fedex Cup playoffs last year? Oh yeah, you 4 putted when all you had to do was 2 putt from 12 feet. Go cry about that too.
Are you fucking kidding Brandt? Not only are you in a frat, but you are wearing a big sweet visor. I wear big visors dude, but you don't see me crying when I shoot a fucking 86 in a college golf tournament. Laugh it off and move on. There's no crying in country club sports. Oh by the way, how were the Fedex Cup playoffs last year? Oh yeah, you 4 putted when all you had to do was 2 putt from 12 feet. Go cry about that too.
Tradition of America's Pastime Threatened by Pinko Congress
Shithammered Athlete of the Day
Quote of the Day
"They should have focused more on me."
- Sebastian Telfair about the ESPN special "Through the Fire." A documentary about his life.
Maybe it's a good thing they didn't Sebastian, considering you murdered someone. Just be happy you got that exposure because you certainly don't get much while riding the pine for shitty teams like the Timberwolves and Clippers.
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