I'd probably die trying, but I think it would be worth it. In this all important offseason where a ideological change must take place at Redskins Park, Fat Al is clinging to the circle of hell where the Redskins have resided the past 20 years, trying to drag us back down. This selfish moron keeps going on interviews all over the place bitching about how he doesn't like the 3-4 and that he doesn't want to workout with his team this season. He keeps bringing up bullshit excuses like he already committing to working with his trainer and that when he worked out with the Redskins last year he wasn't in good enough shape, which is why he didn't have his best year. He keeps telling everyone that his trainer is the only one who can get him in the shape he needs to dominant. You know what dumbass, take some of that $100 mil and fly your fucking trainer to Ashburn and be with your team. You are the $100 million dollar man and whether you understand it or not people or going to look at how you act and replicate it. We can't have that bullshit this year, not again. Its been 10 years of overpaid cuntrags embarrassing me every Sunday, and I can't take it anymore.
Everyone else on the team is buying into what Shannahan and the boys are trying to do in D.C and so far its working. Every player has recognized the immense change in attitude and professionalism at Redskin Park this year, and its going to pay off as long as we don't have a 350 pound anchor pulling us down. Hell, even MeAngelo Hall and Clinton Portis have bought in. As of today, every player on the roster is participating in workouts at Redskins Park 4 times a week, except Fat Al. Shannahan has already said he is incredibly disappointed by Albert's decision, but its apparent Al doesn't give a fuck. In the end, this is simply Haynesworth sending a message to the Redskins that he’ll only play along when he feels like it. He’ll be a Redskin only if he feels he can benefit from it. Otherwise, Haynesworth is happy to be an individual, even if he’s letting down 52 other men in the process.
fuck the redskins