Chubbs Peterson is one of the most tragic figures in the history of sports. A black golfing legend with Tiger Woods talent who never got a chance to reach his potential because that damn alligator bit his hand off. Don't think Chubb's didn't get his though. He tore one of that bastard's eyes out and put it in a jar. Pretty sick Chubbs. Anyway, Peterson decided to become a mentor for this young hockey player named Happy. Happy was a real hothead, but Chubbs was good at "easin the tension." Petersons life was cut short after falling out of a window. Fuck you Lee Trevino. Why didn't you catch him?
PS, how did his hand smash? It was made out of wood!
Shooter McGavin in his prime vs Chubbs with his hand in a Skins match... Shooter all day long. Shooter would be shooting six shooters like Randall "Thrill" Hill after that touchdown in the 91 Cotton bowl. - CARL