for your enlightenment and entertainment

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Resurrection

You know what the best thing is about being a Jesus? I can resurrect myself whenever the fuck I want. So tell your friends Sports on the Reg is back to fill your minds with astute, immoral, and politically incorrect analysis of the latest news in the world of sports. Like what you read? Don't be selfish. Share it with your friends, enemies, coworkers, and family about us. If you don't have any friends, get some. We need your support to keep us motivated. Basically if you don't put forth any effort then I won't. I'm not a fucking hipster who writes to pollute peoples brains with their ideas on how to make fun of the latest cool trends or how their dad hated them because they sucked at sports. I'm writing for money. If I teach you something or make you laugh then I guess that's a bonus. One day this resurrection will be taught in Sunday schools worldwide. Hallelujah! Christ is risen! The Lord of sports is risen indeed, hallelujah.